Barometer restoration and repair

contact us

Email and phone (below) in that order, are the best ways to talk about your barometer.  Please do a bit of groundwork.

1.  Before calling, take some detailed digital photos of the barometer and its damage/flaws/general problems before phoning.  Email those to us at the address below and give us a little time to go over them, and let us know when we might expect your call.

2.  When you telephone, have the barometer close at hand so we can discuss the work you want to have done.

We can give you a general idea of the costs of the work, but we won’t be able to provide a written, firm estimate until we have the barometer in hand.  We price our work by time and materials.  Please see the Fees section of the website.


(540) 967-0416 •

Charles Edwin Inc.
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